Thursday, December 7, 2017

How API Wizard benefits increase in Year 2

New customers generally have specific pain points that they want to eliminate using API Wizard.  Those pain points may be in one specific area, like AP Invoices, there may be several across a functional area, like a set of manufacturing processes, or there may be usage across multiple functional areas.  Whatever the case is, most new API Wizard customers have a clear understanding of the problem(s) they wish to solve.  After purchasing API Wizard, those processes are quickly addressed and the old and tedious Oracle forms are set aside in favor of the newer and more efficient API Wizard solution.  Generally that's the win needed to have a very favorable ROI on the API wizard purchase.

But what happens after a customer has been using API Wizard for a year?  The first thing that generally happens is that API Wizard becomes second nature to the user(s) of those initial processes and they look to replace their other, tedious Oracle processes with an additional API Wizard process.  For instance, an inventory manager using API Wizard to create new items and update existing items may want to start using it for Item Category maintenance, or BOM creation and update, or reporting on on-hand quantity.  With API Wizard's user-based pricing model, there is no additional cost when users do more with API Wizard, so that's a big win for the customer.  The next thing that frequently happens is that co-workers of the API Wizard users start to recognize that their own processes could be optimized using API Wizard and this generally is the driver behind purchasing additional API Wizard licenses and getting more benefit out of the tool.  Once an organization has seen success in its first few processes, the business case for adding additional processes becomes self-evident.  The third thing that happens is that the organizational knowledge and expertise in API Wizard develops to the point where they can leverage API Wizard not only for standard EBS processes but also to manage their custom processes as well.  In almost all cases, an API Wizard data entry/update solution for a custom process has a huge return on investment.  We see these a lot with custom tables and APIs, even those where an Apex form has been previously developed for daily usage.

Organizations with strong internal capabilities often do nearly all of this on their own.  Organizations with limited internal capabilities or very little bandwidth often ask the API Wizard team or third-party providers to help them add additional processes.  

As time goes on and more people in the organization become aware of how API Wizard can streamline EBS and custom processes, usage grows, and the organization improves processes and saves time and money.  

To learn more about API Wizard, visit us at:

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