Thursday, September 7, 2017

Vendor Site trx failed: Inconsistent data entered as compared to TCA records.

Vendor Site trx failed: Inconsistent data entered as compared to TCA records.

Working with supplier site API ap_vendors_pub_pkg.create_vendor_site (also pos_vendor_pub_pkg.create_vendor_site) and ran into the following error:

Vendor Site trx failed: Inconsistent data entered as compared to TCA records.  For details, refer to the Concurrent Program log.  Invalid Payee Contrxt values.


The issue was a fairly simple one - I was creating a vendor site address in the US and didn't pass a value for State, so to resolve this all I needed to do was pass a valid US state.

Leave it to Oracle to provide the most cryptic message possible!  I did some more research into this error and found that additional messaging is passed to the FND Debug logfile, where you see a message such as:

Begin of getAddrValStatus procedure
     Map status is E. Check for address validation level.
     Address validation level is ERROR.
     Please enter valid address elements : STATE
     516- Calling create_gnr with map status E.

Of course, when you are calling an API, you'd rather get the message in real time as part of the output parameters.  I guess that's asking too much?

In my research, I also find some interesting suggestions, like turning off address validation:

As System Administrator, navigate to Profile >System, query where application = Payables and profile = HZ: Address Validation Level%, and set the value to 'no validation').  

That's probably not the right approach in most cases but I guess if you're really stuck, it's an option!

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